⭐️ Livestream ⭐️

Watch World Pole & Aerial Championships live from your own home. With great views, commentaries, interviews and behind the scenes material we will invite you to experience this year’s championship.
For the first time in the IPSF history we will open up the doors to those who want to get a full experience of the competition and all it’s glory.
Choose to only watch one day when your friend is competing or buy a full 5 day pass and dive in to ALL Pole & Aerial world with us.
(all times below is CET)
23/10 16.00-23.00
24/10 07.45-23.30
25/10 07.45-23.30
26/10 07.45-23.30
27/10 07.45-23.00
1 day pass - 15 EUROS
5 day pass - 50 EUROS (10 euro per day) FULL ACCESS (rewatching included until 31/12/24)
Schedule and running order can be found here:

Stage 1.
Running Order Stage 1
Livestream provider:
Visit our channel today and get your pass to not miss out!
Visit IPSF-TV on Solidsport.com



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