Aerial Pole Sports
Created and evolving in strict accordance with SportAccord and the International Olympic Committee criteria, our youngest discipline and is now in its 3rd year at the World Pole Sport Championships. With more athletes worldwide competing in regionals, nationals and opens throughout each year and expanding exponentially in terms of competitors, countries, continents and fans, this enthralling sport culminates each year at the World Championships where elite athletes from across the globe compete for the Gold Medal and the coveted title of World Aerial Pole Sports Champion, in categories ranging in ages from 1ß to 50, and in divisions including Men’s, Women’s and Doubles, Juniors, Novice, and Masters.
This discipline includes artistic elements but is based more heavily on athleticism and technical merit, and judged by an original Code of Points in line with Olympic standards.
Qualification by attending a national or open championships (all IPSF competitions host an Open)
Here is the latest IPSF Aerial Pole Sports Code of Points:
And here is the latest IPSF Aerial Pole Sports Code of Points Mid-Cycle Update:
Please note:
This appendix has been created to amend the different codes of points with essential updates that have arisen through the testing of the codes mid cycle at IPSF National Championships and the IPSF World Championships. Any points raised in this document supersede the existing rules and regulations in each code. Each point below corresponds to each code and will be added to the respective future codes in the next applicable cycle.
- Clarification on spins (Aerial Hoop Sports)
- Clarification on Orbits (Aerial Pole Sports)
- Clarification on Pendulum (Aerial Pole Sports)
- Clarification on Youth Doubles (Aerial Pole Sports)
- Correction on Head Judge Deductions (Aerial Hoop Sports & Aerial Pole Sports
And here is the Tracksuit Addendum (this document should be read together with the IPSF Pole Sports Code of Points):