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What constitutes doping?

Is considered Doping as the occurrence of one or more anti-doping rule violations. Currently, there are 11 rules, that specify the circumstances that constitute a rule violation.

Is the responsibility of pole athletes as well as the athlete support personnel (Family members, partners, coach, medics, physiotherapist), to know what constitutes an anti-doping rule violation, as well as the prohibited substances and methods included in the prohibited list.

The 11 rules are:

Consequences of doping in pole sport

The misuse of drugs can be harmful and dangerous to an athlete’s health and to other athletes competing in the sport. It affects greatly the integrity, image, and value of sport, whether the motivation to use drugs is to improve performance or not.

“To achieve integrity and fairness in sport, a commitment to clean sport is critical.”

Doping also has severe health consequences and has social, financial and even legal consequences. For an athlete, doping could mean the end of their sporting career, reputation and prospects in and out of sport.

  • The sanctions for an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) can include:

    • Provisional Suspension. The athlete or other person is temporarily banned from participating in any competition or activity while waiting for the results management process to be complete or until the final decision is rendered.
    • The athlete or other person is not allowed to compete or participate in any other activity, such as training, coaching, or even access to funding. This period of ineligibility can be as long as 4 years or even life depending on the circumstances.
    • Disqualification of results. The athlete’s results during a particular period, competition or event are invalidated.
    • Public Disclosure. The IPSF or the National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) informs the general public of the Anti-Doping Rule Violation
  • The health consequences to an athlete can include:

    • Physical health. Doping products may have negative side effects on health depending on the substance, the dosage and the consumption frequency.
    • Psychological health. Some doping substances may have an impact on the athlete’s mental health. Anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorders or psychosis are direct consequences from doping.
  • Some of social consequences of doping include:

    • Damage to reputation and image. This can be permanent with media attention, furthermore, future clean performances can be met with skepticism.
    • Damage to future career prospects.
    • Isolation from peers and sport.
    • Damaged relationships with friends and family.
    • Effects on emotional and psychological well-being.
    • Loss of standing, fame, respect and credibility.
  • The financial consequences of doping can include:

    • Fines that IPSF may have. Including costs associated with an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV).
    • Loss of income/financial support, such as government funding, other forms of financial support and by not participating in the competitions. Furthermore, loss of financial support due to withdrawal of sponsor.
    • Requirement to reimburse sponsor, if included in the contract.
    • Reimbursement of prize money.
    • Impact of damaged reputation on future career prospects.

Testing procedures

The aim of testing is to protect clean athletes through the detection and deterrence of doping.

Any athlete under the testing jurisdiction of the IPSF may be tested at any time, with no advance notice, in- or out-of-competition, and be required to provide a urine sample.

Sample Collection Process:

  • During the World Pole & Aerial Championship, an athlete can be selected for testing at any time in the venue.

  • A Doping Control Officer (DCO) or chaperone will notify the athlete of their selection and outline their rights and responsibilities.

  • The athlete should report to the doping control station immediately after being notified. The DCO may allow a delay in reporting for a valid reason.

  • The athlete is given a choice of individually sealed sample collection vessels and kits to choose from.

  • They must inspect the equipment and verify the sample code numbers.

    • Providing the sample: The athlete will be asked to provide the sample under the direct observation of a DCO or witnessing chaperone of the same gender.
    • Volume: A minimum 90mL is required for urine samples. If the first sample is not 90mL, the athlete may be asked to wait and provide an additional sample.
    • Splitting the sample: The athlete will split their sample into A and B bottles.
    • Sealing the samples: The athlete will seal the A and B bottles in accordance with the DCO’s instructions.
    • Measuring specific gravity: The DCO will measure the specific gravity of the sample to ensure it is not too dilute to analyze. If it is too dilute, the athlete may be asked to provide additional samples.

Athlete's rights during the sample collection process

  • The athlete has the right to see the identification of the Doping Control Officer (DCO).

  • The athlete has the right to request additional information about the sample collection process, about the authority under which the sample collection will be carried out, and about the type of sample collected. 

  • The athlete has the right to hydrate.

  • The athlete has the right to be accompanied by a repreentative and, if available, an interpreter.

  • The athlete has the right to request a delay in reporting to the doping contrl station for valid reasons.

  • The athlete has the right to request modificationsfor an impairment that they may have.

  • The athlete has the right to be informed of their rights and responsibilites.

  • The athlete has the right to receive a copy of the records of the process.

  • The athlete has the right to further protections if they are classified as a "protected person" due to their age or lacj of legal capacity.

  • Requires and attend the B sample analysis (in the case of an Adverse Analytical Finding)

Further information

For further information, please check the following video: World Anti-Doping Agency - The Doping Control Process for Athletes (



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